Hi there. My name is Amber. I'm on the right up there. That's my husband, B, next to me. That picture was taken somewhere in the middle of a five mile hike with our puppies. The infamous five mile hike that I SWORE was only three miles, tops. This is why you shouldn't swear about things. In my defense though, the map was poorly marked and it was the only time I've ever been wrong in our relationship. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. And if you believe that, I have some land I'd like to sell you...
Mila was a champ.
Dusty was less impressed with my miscalculation. As was B.
oops. The point is, I have a wonderful husband and family of pups that put up with me and my antics. B was a guy who would eat spaghetti four times a week if left to his own bachelorly devices, and is still very much a steak and potatoes kind of guy. I grew up with ethnically diverse foods because of my mixed ethnicity, Puerto Rican and German, and because of my dad's travels. Being in the Air Force afforded him tons of worldly experience that often ended up on our dining room table.
Octopus salad? Sure, not why.
Mofongo Madness Monday? You bet.
Palm hearts after a trip to Brazil? Yes ma'am.
So meeting, falling in love with, and marrying a guy who is afraid of sauteed onions (because they look like worms) has had its challenges. We're making progress though.
We (and by we, I mean I roped B into this) recently decided to take on Beachbody's Insanity workout because I still have 20ish pounds I would like to lose. While browsing the Beachbody website, I came across what they call Michi's ladder which loosely translates into common sense.
Kidding. But it really is just common sense. It's divided into five 'tiers' and the claim is if you ate only from the first and second tier, you'd have a nearly perfect diet. My goal is to prepare foods inspired by Michi's ladder to improve the healthfulness of the foods we're eating and share those meals and ideas with you. I'll aim for perfection and be perfectly content falling short of it.
That's the plan. But I'll be honest, I'm random and you may find a picture of any of our dogs, cats, or horses here. There are eight to chose from but I'll try and stick to food and recipes.
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